I just came across a pair of JW's on eBay who are flogging off nearly 2000 "religious" items.
Is it just me, or are JW's hypocrites when they make cash by selling old light publications which now contain "wrong teachings," or much worse, by selling books etc. which were created by members of apostate Christendom and contain teachings which contradict their self-appointed "faithful slave?"
Is there a Bible example/principle here?
Oh yeah - Acts 19:19 - "Indeed, quite a
number of those who practiced magical arts brought their books
together and burned them up before everybody. And they calculated
their value and found them worth 50,000 pieces of silver."
Isn't it perverse - JW congregations have been tossing out their library items and entrepreneurial JW's have been "acquiring" the stuff - to make money out of other JW's. Love for one another? Love for money! :(